Self Care

Are you like me feeling in dire need for some soul healing and nourishment? Sometimes it can feel like life is happening to us and not for us. News, media sources etc all tell us we have no control over anything in our lives. Our futures, our planet, our health, our bills. The list goes on and on. And it can feel debilitating, depressing even which is why there is such an rise in mental health issues. 

So in this blog I want to help you feel more in control of your life by feeling more connected to your soul. It is through our soul we hold the wisdom and light to move through times of uncertainty. By moving into love rather than fear we are able to shift our energy and our perspective on life. 

Leading a Soul led life is something I truly believe in. As someone who has faced years of depression and anxiety I can tell you first hand that it was by learning to tune into the wisdom of my soul I was able to heal so many aspects of myself and my life. And at what time I didn’t think it was possible. 

By trying even just one of these practices on a daily basis and you will feel the benefits of living from your soul.

1. Practice Meditation

self care

Meditation is the number 1 way to truly nourish your soul. And before you say it…you do have time to meditate and no you don’t have to sit in silence for hours at a time.

Meditation is your practice so make it your own.

I change my daily meditation practice depending on my energy levels, my mood and what I feel my soul needs.

Some days I need the healing power of silence, other days I need to listen to a beautiful piece of music and other days I just want to connect to my breathe.

You can listen to guided meditations with a click of a finger by just going on youtube. Some of my favourite meditation practices are from there. Just type in 10 or 20 min guided meditations and you will find 1000s of results. 

The best time to do meditation depends on your mindset. I don’t find benefit of my practice when I’m having a busy stressed out day. Going straight from feeling angry or frustrated to the meditation mat just makes me feel worse.

But when you move your body first such as yoga or getting out in nature and then meditating you will feel much calmer. 

This is because a grounded body that has released stress results in a happier, calmer mind. So try meditation, even if its just for 5 mins and you will feel much more connected to your soul.

Also listen to my own Soul Meditation here to help you get started. 

2. Find What Inspires Your Soul

Self Care

What brings more expansion and love into your life? What uplifts you? Makes you feel excited and alive? You know we only have 1 life right? So why can’t we jam pack it full of the things we love? Nourishing our soul is all about what inspires us and brings a great big smile to your face. For me it’s writing this blog and doing spiritual work. Having a spiritual practice and learning how to become more awake. 

It’s also those small moments that add up. The moments that we may not always notice because were too busy moving as fast as we can. Like waking up on a Sunday morning to the Sun streaming in. Or a cuddle from a loved one. The smell of freshly made coffee or beautiful roses in a garden. 

Those little moments are filled with so much love. We just need to learn to slow down and notice them. So take time each day to notice what inspires you. It maybe little things but they add up to something much bigger when you look back on them. And when you are in those moments of bliss truly bring all aspects of your awareness to that moment. What does it feel like? How does your heart feel? Is there a wave of loving expansion? Treat those moments with graciousness and compassion. 

3. Connect To Nature

Self Care

The beauty and peace of a forest or open spaces of nature can truly nourish the soul. 

When we spend more time outdoors in nature away from the chaos of the world it can clear your energy and give you that reset you truly need.

It can also be an opportunity to practice a different form of meditation called walking meditation. This practice can be great for those of us who prefer to be active and it’s really simple.

Just spend time walking outside and focus on slowing down your breathing and connecting to the rhythm of your steps. Bring mindful awareness to your body, how it feels walking, what you feel and hear and just allowing the sounds around you to move through you, deepening your connection to your breathe. 

Having a daily walking practice focused to mindfullness can not only nourish your soul but reduces stress and helps you to feel more peace. 

4. Expand Your Mind by Feeding Your Soul

Self Care

To deepen your spiritual practice I found expanding your mind and learning from others can help shift your outlook. We have had so many incredibly gifted spiritual teachers and masters, some of which are still alive today such as Eckhart Toll, Dalai Lama and Marianne Williamson. I recently fell in love with Ram Dass and I know if I listened to him 5 years ago I wouldn’t have resonated but lately his teachings have resonated with me so profoundly I find myself listening to him every night before bed. 

So find a book, podcast or video of a teacher that inspires you. If what they say doesn’t resonate then trust that their teachings aren’t for you and allow your soul to lead you to the right path. 

5. Unplug Your Mind

Self Care

Technology has been great. I’m honestly amazing how far we have come and if I’m honest I’m a bit of a techy geek. I love technology but I also see it’s downsides. The addiction we all (or alot of us) have to social media, posting daily our lives or what we want others to see. We consume so much in a short space of time. In one minute we can consume over a years worth of news. It’s crazy…and toxic. It’s lead to a lot of conflict in society. And we need to learn to heal not focus on all the things we hate about each other. 

So give social media a break. If you find yourself addicted then make a point of putting your phone in another room for a specified time. If your worried about missing important calls just make sure to have the call volume up so you can hear it. Minimise how much news you consume to maybe once a day or preferably once a week.

This type of technology is suffocating our souls. Its stopping us from being creative because we lose that connection to our higher selves. So unplug yourself from the world a little bit. You will find that eventually the only noise you want in your life is the kind you hear outside from the trees or when loved ones are talking. 

If you would like more support for your Spiritual Journey then check out my Course For Lightworkers: Learn how to activate your soul gifts. 

This Course is for anyone who feels called to deepen their connection to themselves and their life purpose by providing you with support, guidance and healing. 

You will learn everything from how to connect to your soul to accessing your life purpose and protecting your energy. 

If you would like to sign up for a Limited Time only you get lifetime access for the full course for only £59.99.

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